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Please note: I am no longer at Commercial Square Studios as the site has now been acquired by developers. Myself and many others have now left  and have had to find alternative workspaces, so if you are looking for a particular artist, click on their link to find further information on their whereabouts. I am now working from my new home studio, which is nearly finished and I am happy to arrange visits to see new work.

Please contact me on artbypatricia@btinternet.com or through my website and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

I look forward in staying in touch with those of you are still interested in receiving  news of forthcoming exhibitions.  Just to let you know, I have joined together with three former members of Commercial Square Studios  to form a new group called 'squareroots' . Please click here to be added to our new mailing list, which will  keep you up to date with group shows.


Thank you for all your past support

See more info/work on my own website: www.patricialynchart.co.uk

The majority of my paintings are done using egg tempera and gold leaf on gesso panels.  I enjoy revisiting these ancient techniques to produce work using dramatic features of the landscape, aspects of the natural world, still life and the human form as inspiration. Egg Tempera with its luminous quality, brilliance of colour and sensual surface, makes an exciting and wide-ranging medium for a more contemporary approach. The application of many layered glazes, plus tooling into the gesso surface,  lends a unique  richness to the imagery and the surface of the painting.

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Patricia Lynch